👋 Welcome!

Hi! Welcome on this open source wiki on personality frameworks!

You will find here many resources on personality frameworks, organized by main application field (personal, professional, orientation) and personal appreciation. The framework cards below usually contain links and files with general information on the framework, personality profiles and testing resources harvested throughout a few years of exploration, since 2012 for some of them.

📋 Introductive notes and presentation

[Original presentation | Initially crafted by Philip 🌳 and presented at makesense (2016), CC-BY-NC-SA](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Mo_b2GeTyJHRs4i3QLKUEibmLjSRCV2MxNOFC0QScCo/present?token=AC4w5Vh9BVCKaCVe8krigebCiWWM5vdf5w%3A1591003566182&includes_info_params=1&eisi=CJbZmZOm4OkCFcvgZwod3S0JVQ#slide=id.p)

Original presentation | Initially crafted by Philip 🌳 and presented at makesense (2016), CC-BY-NC-SA

⚙️ Why and how to use such frameworks

💬 1-1 chats and interviews

<aside> 🇫🇷 Pour accéder aux questions en français et compléter le jeu avec d'autres bonnes pratiques de coopération, découvrez la Pause coop. !


👥 Team use

Feel free to browse the folders and download whatever you want. Everything is shared here under Peer Production License by Philip Boisvieux 🌳. Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or resource suggestions! 😃

Excerpt from the presentation above

Excerpt from the presentation above

💎 Putting personality understanding into perspective

🔎 Tools, tests and frameworks

📚 Frameworks library (+50 frameworks)

You can browse here a reference list of over 50 personality frameworks. At the moment, only the frameworks "Recommended for a start" have been documented. Feel free to use the "Search" to look for a specific framework.

<aside> 👉 Access all the frameworks by clicking here, or change the view of the table below by clicking on the arrow right next to its title (Recommended ˅ ).


Personality Tools & Frameworks Library

ℹ️ Frameworks information and testing resources

📑 Source databases

The gallery gathers data from two overarching tables with links pointing to more information on the frameworks above and testing resources.

You can browse them freely, or click directly on the framework you are interested in (e.g. Enneagram) in the Frameworks library above in order to browse specific frameworks only.

About the frameworks

Type identification resources and tests

📖 Open source library

This wiki is also interconnected with an online library full of files (articles, infographics, charts…) on some of the personality frameworks mentioned above. Their folders are directly linked on the cards above, but you can also freely browse the library.

<aside> 👉 Access the personality frameworks library


🇫🇷 Un livre à recommander en français

En lien avec ces outils de connaissance de soi et de ces motivations, je recommande chaleureusement le livre de Mathieu Dardaillon (Ticket For Change) intitulé : *Activez vos talents, ils peuvent changer le monde.* Il offre une bonne vision d'ensemble de différents outils.

📚 Other resources

👀 Personality overview

Download the template

Download the template

⬇️ Download the template

You can freely download the Personality overview template here-under:

First and Last Name - Personality overview (YYYY-MM-DD), v1.2.xlsx

The template is in .xlsx format, but you can also use a Google Sheet format if you prefer